Certified NRA Pistol Instructor • USCCA Certified Gun Range Safety Officer
Missouri CCW Certification InstructionMissouri CCW Certification Instructor focused on safe gun handling and storage. Ardent Defense offers small classes, family training and individual service is also available. Located in Warren County, Missouri.
Small classesFamily orientedMO CCW certificationPrivate Outdoor Gun RangeBuild Confidence and Courage
The benefits of outdoor ranges are:
Outdoor ranges provide more versatility. Since the shooting range isn’t contained to a single building, shooters can move more freely between different areas of the shooting course.
With increased space, outdoor ranges can have multiple stations. In this way, shooters aren’t limited to shooting just in a line. Shooters can have more of a variety. An outdoor range can take shooting and offer something far more engaging.
Armed Church Security Teams Training
Ardent can train church security teams on gun safety in a public forum. Church settings require special firearms techniques. Large crowds and public settings must have particular muzzle and trigger disciplines which are not normally taught by most training centers. These techniques are taught by Ardent Defense.